Short Stories
Short Stories

A Dove of the East
The breadth of setting, period, and character in the twenty stories of A Dove of the East and Other Stories is a result not of literary experimentation or a device of exoticism. It reflects instead a consuming interest in and attraction to fundamental, universal, and enduring truths and emotions . . .
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Ellis Island
If in A Dove of the East and Other Stories the natural emphasis fell upon that which was fresh, exquisite, and hopeful, in Ellis Island and Other Stories maturity adds depth and shadow to sunshine. Though the stories are just as luminous, their light is modulated by experience and directed with greater. . .
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The Pacific
The stories of The Pacific and Other Stories cover the author´s customary wide range of character, place, and event — from a woman waiting for her husband as he fights in the Pacific, to an opera impresario on the canals of Venice, to a young girl who defies a Latin dictator, and thirteen other tales. . .
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