
“[A] passionate defense of author’s rights and the power of the individual voice . . . offered in elegant prose and with a rapier-sharp wit.” (Publisher’s Weekly)
“Beautiful and powerful . . . . A strange, wondrous, challenging, and enriching book . . .with a chance of lasting, with a chance of being read . . decades from now. . . .You will not encounter another book like it, that’s for sure.” (Jay Nordlinger in National Review)
“Copyright . . .is the trampoline upon which Helprin jumps, the better to pounce on that new cultural type, the digital barbarian, he despises. Digital Barbarism, in much briefer compass, gives some of the same oblique pleasure as Tristram Shandy and The Anatomy of Melancholy. . . . Mark Helprin is a man of belligerent integrity. . . . The only authority he submits to is that of sound intelligence allied to saving what is best in Western culture.” (Joseph Epstein in The Claremont Review of Books)
“For those of us who usually spend more time in front of screens or with digital devices, perhaps the summer is a good time to reach for a book instead. Mr. Helprin’s polemic is lively and provocative.” (The Wall Street Journal)
“Not since I discovered Ayn Rand and began to appreciate her defense of private property and intellectual freedom have I seen this argument stated so well. And Helprin writes far more elegantly than Rand ever did.” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)